Tourmake - the 1.0 version
- Apr 10, 2014
- Updates
After a starting period Tourmake achieves the stable 1.0 version. Here’s the changelog of the updates:
- The Table plugin changes its name and aims at the booking of generic services, more than tables; you can find it with the new name Tables/Services booking;
- The marker limit in the Tables/Services booking plugin is increased from 50 to 100 without additional costs!
- Improvements in the Area of Interest plugin.
- The photographer can disable the receiving of mail notification: you can find the module in the submenu in the top-right corner by clicking your profile image;
- The photographer can decide if his tour will be displayed in the Tour section of the Tourmake website; this option is available in the New Tour and Edit Tour pages;
- Added visits counter of every tour;
- Added the field Notes in the Table/Services booking, updated the Time field (the visitor can book at every time, not only in the evening), added the possibility to give a name to the marker (so that the business owner knows which table the visitor booked);
- Improved the localization of the business;
- Added support for multi-floor virtual tours.